You Don’t Have To Accept Your Insurance Company Denying Your Water Loss Claim

Homeowner policies cover water loss claims that are caused by sudden and accidental direct physical loss to property identified in the insurance policy. Don’t let your insurance company convince you that the cause of the water damage is from wear and tear, rust, contamination, defect in the pipes, house settling after all these years.

It is important to keep in mind that policy exclusions are strictly construed against the insurance company while exceptions to exclusions, are broadly construed in favor of the insured.

Just because your insurance company tells you your water loss claim is excluded it doesn’t mean it is. Exceptions in the policy that provide for coverage that are ambiguous are interpreted in favor of the insureds to protect their reasonable expectation that the water damage in their dwelling would be covered by their policy.

You don’t have to accept your insurance company’s decision to deny your claim. Call us for a free consultation with a partner of our firm. We will fight for everything you are entitled to.

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